Friday, November 3rd
Morning Coffee
10:00AM - 10:30AM | Hotel Fontenot - Gospel Coffee
Come early and grab a cup of coffee at GOSPEL COFFEE located in the Hotel Fontenot before the first program begins.
Festival Roundtables
10:30AM - 11:30AM | Hotel Fontenot
Roundtable discussions with fellow festival organizers on topics including building your brand as a programmer and building an artist services program
Building Programming Practices
11:30AM - 1:00PM | Hotel Fontenot
Learn about the programming practices and values of the New Orleans Film Festival before engaging in a workshop to dive into your own programming practices and developing sustainable values.
Lunch Break
1:00PM - 3:00PM | On your own
Go for a bite with new friends and colleagues before meeting up again for our afternoon programs.
South Pitch Narrative
3:00PM - 5:00PM | Contemporary Arts Center - Black Box
Come hear six film teams from across the South pitch their fiction projects in development to a panel of industry experts and a live audience. These projects represent some of the most exciting filmmakers and stories coming out of the American South today. The filmmakers will receive on-the-spot feedback and questions related to their timeline, production team, script, budget, and distribution plan. One project will be selected to receive a $10,000 award.
FFA Reception
5:00PM - 6:00PM | CAC Reception
Mingle with programmers, educators, and artist service folks gathering at NOFF2023 for Film Festival Alliance’s FilmEx: New Orleans before the Meet the Programmers Panel at 6:00 PM.
Meet the Programmers
6:00PM - 7:00PM | CAC Black Box
Navigating film festivals can be daunting, especially when deciding which ones align with your artistic and ethical values, and distribution goals. In this panel discussion, we pull back the curtain on film curation practices and speak to programmers committed to community responsibility and curatorial justice.